Social Dominance in Azar Nafisi's Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Psychosocial Approach


کلية آداب، قسم إنجليزي، قسم أدب، جامعة حلوان.


This research is a different reading of Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi using the social dominance theory by Felicia Pratto, Jim Sidanius and Shana Levin. The novel is usually considered an anti-Islamic novel that shows Islam as a religion promotes oppression; however, this research considers it as a novel showing the social dominance that happens to the characters. This is shown by the social dominance theory with all the theory's different types; age, gender and arbitrary-set. The age system which focuses on the dominance of the adults over children and it is shown in the novel in the new laws of marriage under the age of nine; the gender system which focuses on the dominance of one gender over the other but it is usually the dominance of men over women and it is clear in the novel in the oppression that the characters face from men; the arbitrary-set system which focuses on the dominance of a group of people based on their religious and political backgrounds and also their mentality which is obvious in the novel in the fact that the characters are forced to act or think in a certain way.

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