From Breakdown into Breakthrough: Evaluating the Language of Transformation in Viola Davis’ Finding me


1 جامعة حلوان- كلية الآداب- قسم اللغة الانجليزية

2 كلية الآداب - جامعة حلوان


Literary memoirs hold a significant place in the realm of literature, offering readers a unique and intimate glimpse into the lives and experiences of individuals. A major theme tackled in memoirs is shedding light on the identity of the writer, revealing his/her journey and any changes occurring to it.  Thus, the present paper investigates Viola Davis’ memoir Finding Me (2022) to trace the various phases of her self-healing journey, constructing her identity as reflected in her linguistic choices.  An eclectic model which integrates Burke and Stets’ (2009) and Stets and Burke (2014a; 2014b). Identity Theory, Martin and White’s (2005) Appraisal Model, Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 2003; Kövecses, 2022) and foregrounding (Leech 1969) is employed to detect Davis’s shift from a non-verified identity to a verified one. In addition, her emotional transformation is revealed in the language of Attitude she tends to utilize as well as her thoughts. Furthermore, the analysis emphasizes the crucial significance of her use of metaphor and foregrounding devices to highlight her emotions or the development in her identity.

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